bug in PsychImaging EnableCLUTMapping


Dear Mario

My program runs correctly without that statement, and displays images incorrectly when i add it.

I'm displaying letters in noise. Everything is monochrome gray. I use Screen LoadNormalizedGammaTable to adjust contrast. The values I put in it vary only in brightness; they are all gray. When I run my program without the special PsychImaging EnableCLUTMapping feature, I get exactly what I want. When I EnableCLUTMapping I get images that are nearly right (a letter in noise, all grey), but one or two pixels are a saturated color like yellow or red.

it's not a new bug. we get the same behavior on a year-old psychtoolbox and the latest psychtoolbox both running under Mac OS X Mavericks. MacBookPro, not Retina. I get similar behavior on my Macbook Air.

I'm happy to try to document it better, but I'm not sure what would help. I assume that reading the screen buffer won't help because the CLUT transformation happens after that. Do you want a minimal program to produce the bug?



Denis Pelli
Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University