Re: Borders on small windows

>I use your psychophysics toolbox on a macintosh (G3) and have a question. If
>you have the time to help me out, it would be much appreciated.
>perhaps you can point me in the direction of someone who might be of some
>To display my stimuli, I have been first creating a window to cover the whole
>screen, and then creating a new stimulus window into which I copy the contents
>of offscreen windows. I typically make the color of the stimulus window the
>same as the background. My problem is that I cannot get rid of the
>line around
>the stimulus window ... I cannot make the screen one solid color! While this
>did not matter much for an experiment I was running in which I was
>presenting a
>picture that filled the whole window, it matters a lot for a new
>experiment I am
>designing that draws stimuli inside the windows.
>Is there a settings command I can use to get rid of the border
>around a window,
>or is there some trick that I don't know about (such as having to
>use a certain
>window size or specific clut) ? I have included the code for my main routine
>with this email. I didn't include the stimulus drawing routine or
>the stimulus
>orders, since they are irrelevant to this problem.

You're the second one to ask this question this week! Since I
already posted my
earlier answer on the PsychToolbox Forum
I'd like to refer you to that response. It may be accessed directly at:
If the earlier answer misses the mark, let me know and I'll see if I can help
you out further. Basically, don't open up those extra windows, just
write directly
into the subwindows on your main screen window.

