>Greetings. Using the psychophysics toolbox, I would like to animate aI didn't look through your M-file. But basically, I think what you want
>display over a good portion of the screen, but to leave small portions of
>the display static. I thought that I might copy from an offscreen window
>to an onscreen window that covers most of the monitor, then have smaller
>onscreen windows arranged in front of the larger window (using
>windowtofront) that remain static. My problem is that when I try to do so
>there is a black border surrounding the smaller window. I would like to be
>able to superimpose onscreen windows without there being a border around
>the window in front. Attached is a matlab m file that does what I mean,
>and as you can see, there is a border around 'window2'. I appreciate any
>help you can give me.
to do is take advantage of the fact that the various SCREEN copy
routines (PutImage, CopyWindows) can take a destination rect as
an argument. So you can specify where in your main window you
want various pieces of image data to go. ScreenDemo shows an example
of this. As you've discovered, explicit windows have borders and
it is very hard to get rid of these.