I found this problem on two Windows 7 computers I tested: even after HideCursor, the busy cursor will show up if we WaitSecs for more than 5 seconds. The following function (with explanation in comment) demonstrates the problem.
Screen version gives
version: ''
build: 517539408
date: 'Feb 7 2019'
os: 'Microsoft Windows'
language: 'Matlab 64-Bit'
Does anyone experience similar issue? Any workaround? Thanks.
function test_win_cursor(keepFlipping)
w = Screen('OpenWindow', max(Screen('Screens')), 127);
obj = onCleanup(@() sca); % close screen when done or error
DrawFormattedText(w, 'Cursor on', 'center', 'center', 0);
Screen('Flip', w);
% cursor will become busy after about 5 secs
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 10);
DrawFormattedText(w, 'Cursor off', 'center', 'center', 0);
t0 = Screen('Flip', w);
if nargin<1 || ~keepFlipping
% busy cursor will show up after about 5 secs, even after HideCursor
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 10);
% if we keep flipping, no busy cursor shows up
while GetSecs<t0+10
DrawFormattedText(w, 'Cursor off', 'center', 'center', 0);
Screen('Flip', w);
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.1);