I have a question regarding disappearing screen. I use the following code to display a text and then wait for Space key. After a few seconds, the text disappears. Also occasionally the mouse pointer appears and spinning, like there is a process happening in the background. I have recorded two videos from this behaviour and put in this dropbox link. If I replace the highlighted text with the WaitSecs command, the text stays on the screen without any problem.
[w, WindowRect] = Screen('OpenWindow', 1, 255, [], 32, 2);
DrawFormattedText(w, 'Please press SPACE to continue!', 'center', 'center', 50);Screen('Flip', w);
% WaitSecs(20);
[FlagKeyPressed, ~, KeyList] = KbCheck;
if(any(find(KeyList) == 32))
CloseAllSpecifications of my computer:
- Windows 7 Professional
- MATLAB 2015a
- Psychtoolbox recently updated
- Dual monitor
I understand that dual monitor makes some problems occasionally. I tried "extended" and "computer only" displays and the same problem happens. I tried the same code on another computer with two monitors but "cloned" and there was no problem. I am wondering whether the whole problem is due to dual monitor settings, or there is something else. Many thanks.GreetingsAmir-Homayoun