CLUT question

I am trying to design an experiment using PT where high color images would be displayed full screen. Why is it not possible to define more than 256 colors in the CLUT using the screen function? I understand that most monitors are 8 bit, but from what I understad 24 bit graphics isn't uncommon. I would appreciate it if somebody could explain this to me or suggest a way to display high color images using the screen (or a similiar) function.

Hey Dawn:

I can't see any docs attached.. Can please you email that to me/
point me to the right source.


--- In, Dawn Morales <dmorales@p...>
> Hi Kevin,
> Attached is a doc that explains how to do some basic color stuff,
> what you want. It is authored by Ione Fine, who used it to
support a
> short class she taught once.
> cheers
> Dawn
> Kevin Guise wrote:
> > I am trying to design an experiment using PT where high color
images would be displayed full screen. Why is it not possible to
define more than 256 colors in the CLUT using the screen function? I
understand that most monitors are 8 bit, but from what I understad
24 bit graphics isn't uncommon. I would appreciate it if somebody
could explain this to me or suggest a way to display high color
images using the screen (or a similiar) function.
> >
> > -kevin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Dawn Morales, PhD
> Postdoctoral Fellow
> Center for Cognitive Neuroscience &
> Department of Psychology
> University of Pennsylvania