Clut size

I'm new to the psychtoolbox so this may be a bit of an elementary question; I apologize in advance. Is it possible to have a clut size greater than 256 gun combinations? If not, is this to assume that the greatest color depth you can display images at is 256? . Secondly, I am having difficulty compiling c++ code using matlabs lcc compiler. The help file for the compiler says that the correct syntax is >mex sourcefile header library. I always get an error saying sourcefile.dll is of an unkown type.(note sourcefile.dll doesn't exist, library.dll does, which is listed in the command line.)
Thanks for your time and help.

note: I'm running matlab 6.5 rel 13 on windows 98 service pack 2 with an nvida gforce 2 video card.

Best Regards,
Kevin Guise
Hi Kevin,

The answer to your colour question is two-fold: yes, you can get
greater than 8 bits colour depth, and no, you cannot enter more than
256 gun combinations in the clut. So colour depth can be set to
greater than 8 bits (the values in the clut), but clut size cannot be
greater than 256 (number of clut entries).

The question about the compiler I cannot answer, sorry.

A note about your note: it may be that your NVidea GeForce 2 card
supports ten bits graphics (though I can remember a colleague here
who has a similar NVidea card and cannot use 10 bit graphics), but
that does not automatically mean you can use that option. That's
dependent on drivers etc. Check your manufacturer website for that.
If you want to test if you can use 10 bits graphics in PTB, I can
send you a simple m-file I wrote.

best regards
Jeroen Benjamins

--- In, Kevin Guise <Guisek1@m...> wrote:
> I'm new to the psychtoolbox so this may be a bit of an elementary
question; I apologize in advance. Is it possible to have a clut size
greater than 256 gun combinations? If not, is this to assume that the
greatest color depth you can display images at is 256? . Secondly, I
am having difficulty compiling c++ code using matlabs lcc compiler.
The help file for the compiler says that the correct syntax is >mex
sourcefile header library. I always get an error saying
sourcefile.dll is of an unkown type.(note sourcefile.dll doesn't
exist, library.dll does, which is listed in the command line.)
> Thanks for your time and help.
> note: I'm running matlab 6.5 rel 13 on windows 98 service pack 2
with an nvida gforce 2 video card.
> Best Regards,
> Kevin Guise