Compatibility issue between OS X, matlab and old psychtoolbox version


I'm using psychtoolbox 3.0.8 with Matlab R2014a 64-bit in Mac OS X 10.7.5.

The funciton 'Screen' is not working and I wonder if it's because of a compatibility issue between these versions.
I tried newer version of psychtoolbox but they are not compatible with OS X 10.7.

Do you have any clue how to fix this without upgrading Mac OS?

When I run 'PsychtoolboxVersion'
Error using PsychtoolboxVersion (line 188)
Unrecognized Psychtoolbox platform

When the the function Screen is directly called:

I get the following error message :
Error using Screen
Too many output arguments.

When the function HideCursor is called, I get the following error message :
Too many outputs requested. Most likely cause is missing [] around left hand side that has a comma separated list

Error in AssertMex (line 123)

Error in Screen (line 162)

Error in HideCursor (line 57)

Error in MyScript (line 51)

Thanks for your help,

Sandrine Duverne


To follow up, I guess I'm running into a similar issue as this guy (except that I'm using on osx 10.7):

My understanding is that I should use psychtoolbox 3.0.11 (should be compatible with MACI64), but I can't put a hand on it on the web or download it with DownloadPsychtoobox most likely because osx 10.7 doesn't support OpenGL-based versions.

Could you please provide me a link to download psychtoolbox 3.0.11?
If you have any other guess, could you please help me fix this?

Thanks in advance for your help,


On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 3:26 PM, Sandrine Duverne <duverne@...> wrote:

I'm using psychtoolbox 3.0.8 with Matlab R2014a 64-bit in Mac OS X 10.7.5.

The funciton 'Screen' is not working and I wonder if it's because of a compatibility issue between these versions.
I tried newer version of psychtoolbox but they are not compatible with OS X 10.7.

Do you have any clue how to fix this without upgrading Mac OS?

When I run 'PsychtoolboxVersion'
Error using PsychtoolboxVersion (line 188)
Unrecognized Psychtoolbox platform

When the the function Screen is directly called:
[w,rect]=Screen('OpenWindow', screenNum);

I get the following error message :
Error using Screen
Too many output arguments.

When the function HideCursor is called, I get the following error message :
Too many outputs requested. Most likely cause is missing [] around left hand side that has a comma separated list

Error in AssertMex (line 123)
extensionName=mexExtensions{ extensionNameIndex};

Error in Screen (line 162)

Error in HideCursor (line 57)

Error in MyScript (line 51)

Thanks for your help,

Sandrine Duverne