Screen() problem in latest Psychtoolbox for MacOS X


we run the latest Psychtoolbox for OSX on 10.3.3. However
was it not possible to use the Screen-Function properly.
All we get is a black screen when calling something like
Screen('OpenWindow', 0, 150);

When we try to call it like: Screen('OpenWindow', 0, [1 1
1]); we get the error: "Unable to coerce color".
Strangly enough it "works" (at least creates a black
screen) when calling it with 4 values.

Maybe there is a difference in the way the newest OSX
version handels the screen-calls, we don't know.

Another strange thing we noticed is an inconsistency in the
sequence of parameters for Screen. The source says:
Screen('Windowcommand', Screennumber, [Color},...). The
traditional way is to first give the screennumber and then
the windowcommand. Both work (or rather don't work) the
same way.

Thanks in advance,

P.S. also there is no help-file for screen.