>Hi Denis,A number of functions available in the Mac version of the toolbox
>I have tried to use the Psychtoolbox on my PC. But I have a problem
>trying any demo because the ask function does not work. I tried to
>understand where the problem is and I think it is actually due to the
>screen function. For example,
are not yet implemented in the PC version. The 'Rect' function
is an example. You can work around this problem by knowing
the resolution of your screen and hard-coding it into your
I am trying to put together a list of what is implemented and what
is not to help with this situation.
>I have tried to take a look at the C code but I cannot find theThat function is in file SCREENInfo.c for the Mac and SCREENInfoPC.cpp
>ScreenRect.c file.
for the PC.