.dll files

Dear All,

Hope somebody could help or explain the problem with Screen.dll file
or similar .dll files.
I am using Matlab 5.3, Psychtoolbox 2.45 on PC.
I had used it successfully on previous 2 PCs, but this time I get
some error message after Psychtoolbox installation and after trying
to run my program which is -----> Error in PsychBasic\Screen.dll.

The problem is I can't see any .dll files in PsychBasic folder, only .m files.
But when saving each folder in path browser and viewing the files in
path browser window I can see the .m files doubled as .dll files. For
example GetTicks.m file is also there as GetTicks.dll. And this
happens only in PsychBasic folder.
How can i remove these .dll files that "exist" only in Path browser
window and not in PsychBasic folder by itself?
If I could remove these maybe the .m files could work then?
I noticed this Screen.dll problem on Win discussed earlier on Forum
but couldn't find a solution.

Could somebody help please?

Many thanks,

On Tuesday, June 24, 2003, at 11:16 AM, Naira Taroyan wrote:

> I am using Matlab 5.3, Psychtoolbox 2.45 on PC.
> I had used it successfully on previous 2 PCs, but this time I get
> some error message after Psychtoolbox installation and after trying
> to run my program which is -----> Error in PsychBasic\Screen.dll.

Is that the full text of the error message or is there more to it than
that ?

> The problem is I can't see any .dll files in PsychBasic folder, only
> .m files.
> But when saving each folder in path browser and viewing the files in
> path browser window I can see the .m files doubled as .dll files. For
> example GetTicks.m file is also there as GetTicks.dll. And this
> happens only in PsychBasic folder.

Alan Robinson's earlier reply to this was correct. Windows by default
hides the .dll files.

> How can i remove these .dll files that "exist" only in Path browser
> window and not in PsychBasic folder by itself?

The Psychtoolbox requires both. The .dll files are "mex" files,
compiled C code which Matlab dynamically links and executes. M files
are interpreted scripts written in the Matlab programming language
which also hold documentation returned by Matlab's "Help" command. In
the case of files with the same major name and both .dll and .m
extenstions, Matlab executes the .dll file and fetches the help
comments from the .m file.

> If I could remove these maybe the .m files could work then?

That would not help.

> I noticed this Screen.dll problem on Win discussed earlier on Forum
> but couldn't find a solution.

With one of those I recall that the Matlab path settings were wrong.
However, from the error message which you reported it looks as if
Matlab is finding the screen.dll but that there is some problem in
executing it. To check that Matlab can find Screen.dll and Screen.m,
enter "which screen.dll" and then enter "which screen.m" at the Matlab
command prompt. Each command should return the path to the named file.


On Tuesday, June 24, 2003, at 11:16 AM, Naira Taroyan wrote:

> Dear All,
> Hope somebody could help or explain the problem with Screen.dll file
> or similar .dll files.
> I am using Matlab 5.3, Psychtoolbox 2.45 on PC.
> I had used it successfully on previous 2 PCs, but this time I get
> some error message after Psychtoolbox installation and after trying
> to run my program which is -----> Error in PsychBasic\Screen.dll.
> The problem is I can't see any .dll files in PsychBasic folder, only
> .m files.
> But when saving each folder in path browser and viewing the files in
> path browser window I can see the .m files doubled as .dll files. For
> example GetTicks.m file is also there as GetTicks.dll. And this
> happens only in PsychBasic folder.
> How can i remove these .dll files that "exist" only in Path browser
> window and not in PsychBasic folder by itself?
> If I could remove these maybe the .m files could work then?
> I noticed this Screen.dll problem on Win discussed earlier on Forum
> but couldn't find a solution.
> Could somebody help please?
> Many thanks,
> Naira