Hi there,
I have a Lenovo b570e laptop, running Windows 7 SP1,
CPU Intel Pentium B960, with 4Gb RAM and 120Gb SSD storage.
I have a few days old, freshly installed, latest version
Octave 5.1.0 "x86_64-win64-mingw32"
and Psychtoolbox 3 Beta-2019-08-07_V3.0.16
I experienced that when I use this command:
DrawFormattedText(win, '+test+test+', 'center', 'center', white);
then the center of the middle cross in this string label is aligned...
1, correctly in the center of the screen regarding the x axis
2, incorrectly aligned on the y axis, as it is lower than it should be. I measured that the top pixel line of the drawn text is aligned to the y axis center. I expected the midpoint of the label's bounding box to be centered.
I think this may be because of a bug, because on the x axis, 'center' argument definitely aligns the text labels midpoint to the center on x axis.
In my current experiment, I am using a + sign as fixation cross, so that it is crucial to be correctly aligned on both axes, so I now have to manually correct the y alignment coordinates by subtracting the half height of the label.
Please check out this problem. Thanks!