I am working on an divided visual field experiment, and want to present words about half inch distance from the center of the screen on either the left or the right side of a fixation dot.
My problem is that the text is presented with the bottom pixels of the letters cut off (I've attached a picture).
I use DrawFormattedText2 by presenting words on the left side justified to the right of a winRect on the left side of the screen, positioned at the required distance (ie., cca. half inch from the center), and words on the right side justified to the left of a winRect on the right side of the screen. I've tried to use the 'cache' struct as well, but it provides the same erroneous result.
I am running the experiment on a 15" MacBook Pro (late 2011), using Matlab 2018a, and the most recent version of Psychotoolbox.
Does anyone have any ideas for a solution or a work around?
My winRect extends from the top of the screen to the bottom, so it is definitely not cutting the letters.
Initially I tried DrawFormattedText, but left justification is inaccurate with the 'justifytomax' parameter (the letters exceed the winRect box boundary a bit).
Here is the code:
Screen('FillRect',EXPWIN,BACKCOLOR);%redraw background
DrawFormattedText(EXPWIN, '.', 'center', 560, [255, 0, 0]);%fixation dot
DrawFormattedText2(['<color=ffffff>', target_word{1}], 'win', EXPWIN,'sx', justify, 'sy', 'center','xalign', justify, 'yalign', 'center','winRect', pres_box);%lateralized target word
Screen('DrawingFinished',EXPWIN);%no more drawing
[targetVBLTimestamp targetStimulusOnsetTime targetFlipTimestamp] = Screen('Flip',EXPWIN,jitter2_onset+jitter2-slack);%flip it
Many thanks for any input!