Hello everyone,
I'm trying to run an experiment using Psychtoolbox with MATLAB R2014b on a PC running Windows 10. The text is off a little, and it throws a warning message about the DrawText plugin. This is the message: "DrawText: Failed to load external drawtext plugin 'libptbdrawtext_ftgl64.dll'. Reverting to legacy GDI text renderer". Can I download this from some place? And if yes, where should I place it within the MATLAB libraries?
I looked at 'help DrawTextPlugin' as well. Based on that the problem seems to be that my MATLAB bundles an outdated libfreetype file. However, it seems that that should only be an issue with more recent, 2015 or newer versions of MATLAB, not with 2014b, and I can't even find a libfreetype.6.dylib file in the library. The only two libfreetype files are libfreetype.dll and libfreetype.rights.
Can anyone maybe help out? What should I do to get the DrawText plugin to work?