I have compiled an application under matlab that is using the psychtoolbox.
See below the error message I get.
I am running the exe in a laptop (windows 10) that has just the MCR (no matlab).
Any suggestion how to solve it ?
PTB-DEBUG: DrawText: Failed to load external drawtext plugin [Unknown error].
PTB-INFO: DrawText: Failed to load external drawtext plugin 'libptbdrawtext_ftgl64.dll'. Reverting to legacy GDI text renderer. 'help DrawTextPlugin' for troubleshooting.
PTB-ERROR: Screen('Flip'); beamposition timestamping computed an *impossible stimulus onset value* of 87880.300899 secs, which would indicate that
PTB-ERROR: stimulus onset happened *before* it was actually requested! (Earliest theoretically possible 87880.307009 secs).
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): rawTimestamp = 87880.311407, scanline = 680
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): line_pre_swaprequest = 385, line_post_swaprequest = 395, time_post_swaprequest = 87880.307163
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): preflip_vblcount = 25, preflip_vbltimestamp = 87880.317547
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): postflip_vblcount = 0, postflip_vbltimestamp = -1.000000, vbltimestampquery_retrycount = 0
PTB-ERROR: This error can be due to either of the following causes (No way to discriminate):
PTB-ERROR: Either something is broken in your systems beamposition timestamping. I've disabled high precision
PTB-ERROR: timestamping for now. Returned timestamps will be less robust and accurate, but if that was the culprit it should be fixed.
PTB-ERROR: An equally likely cause would be that Synchronization of stimulus onset (buffer swap) to the
PTB-ERROR: vertical blank interval VBL is not working properly.
PTB-ERROR: Please run the script PerceptualVBLSyncTest to check this. With non-working sync to VBL, all stimulus timing
PTB-ERROR: becomes quite futile. Also read 'help SyncTrouble' !