While running a psychophysics experiment code on 3.0.19 Flavor on my M1 MacBook air with macOS Sequoia 15.1,
Matlab2024b ,
I got this error, changed my version of psychtoolbox and matlab but didn’t seem to get any luck. I’ve heard that the ptb error can be ignored, as I’m just looking for the experiment screen to run without failing.
One or more internal checks (see Warnings above) indicate that synchronization
of Psychtoolbox to the vertical retrace (VBL) is not working on your setup.
This will seriously impair proper stimulus presentation and stimulus presentation timing!
Please read 'help SyncTrouble' for information about how to solve or work-around the problem.
You can force Psychtoolbox to continue, despite the severe problems, by adding the command
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 1); at the top of your script, if you really know what you are doing.
Error using Screen
See error message printed above.
Error in PsychImaging (line 2483)
[win, winRect] = Screen('OpenWindow', screenid, clearcolor, winRect, pixelSize, numbuffers, stereomode, multiSample, imagingMode, specialFlags, clientRect, fbOverrideRect, vrrParams);
Error in Display04_07_RSVP (line 42)
[windowPtr p.ScreenRect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', whichScreen, p.ScreenBackground);
if anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it! Even when changing SkipSyncTests to 1, I still had no luck, and when changing to newer versions of psychtoolbox, I kept receiving the message that the downloader had been discontinued due to lack of financial support, etc.
Here is the code in question below~
function RSVP
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 0);
%% Display Setup Module
% Define display parameters
whichScreen = max(Screen('screens'));
p.ScreenDistance = 30; % in inches
p.ScreenHeight = 15; % in inches
p.ScreenGamma = 2; % from monitor calibration
p.maxLuminance = 100; % from monitor calibration
p.ScreenBackground = 0.5;
% Open the display window, set up lookup table, and hide the
% mouse cursor
if exist('onCleanup', 'class'), oC_Obj = onCleanup(@()sca); end
% close any pre-existing PTB Screen window
% Prepare setup of imaging pipeline for onscreen window.
PsychImaging('PrepareConfiguration'); % First step in starting
% pipeline
PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'FloatingPoint32BitIfPossible');
% set up a 32-bit floatingpoint framebuffer
PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'NormalizedHighresColorRange');
% normalize the color range ([0, 1] corresponds
% to [min, max])
PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'EnablePseudoGrayOutput');
% enable high gray level resolution output with
% bitstealing
PsychImaging('AddTask','FinalFormatting', 'DisplayColorCorrection','SimpleGamma');
% setup Gamma correction method using simple power
% function for all color channels
[windowPtr p.ScreenRect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', whichScreen, p.ScreenBackground);
% Finishes the setup phase for imaging pipeline
% creates an onscreen window, performs all remaining
% configuration steps
PsychColorCorrection('SetEncodingGamma', windowPtr, 1/ p.ScreenGamma);
% set Gamma for all color channels
HideCursor; % Hide the mouse cursor
% Get frame rate and set screen font
p.ScreenFrameRate = FrameRate(windowPtr);
% get current frame rate
Screen('TextFont', windowPtr, 'Times');
% set the font for the screen to Times
Screen('TextSize', windowPtr, 24); % set the font size
% for the screen to 24
%% Experimental Module
% setup general experimental parameters
nTrials = 1; % total number of trials
keys = [cellstr(char(65:90)')' {'delete' 'backspace' ...
'enter' 'return'}];
p.randSeed = ClockRandSeed; % use the clock to set random
% number generator
% Specify the stimulus
p.textSize = 2.5; % letter size in degrees of visual angle
% subset of upper case letters
p.stimDuration = 0.05; % duration of each letter in seconds
p.blankDuration = 0.1; % duration of the blank interval between letters in seconds
p.fixDuration = 0.15; % fixation duration in seconds
p.iCueRange =[6 15]; % temporal range of the cue frame in
% letter screen counts
p.textFont = 'Consolas'; % select a fixed width font for
% stimulus display
% Compute stimulus parameters
halfInvt = 1 / p.ScreenFrameRate / 2;
stimDur = round(p.stimDuration * p.ScreenFrameRate) ...
/ p.ScreenFrameRate - halfInvt;
blankDur = round(p.blankDuration * p.ScreenFrameRate) ...
/ p.ScreenFrameRate - halfInvt;
ppd = pi / 180 * p.ScreenDistance / p.ScreenHeight ...
* p.ScreenRect(4); % pixels/degree
textSize = round(p.textSize * ppd);
[xc yc] = RectCenter(p.ScreenRect);
fixLen = round(textSize / 4); % fixation size in pixels
fixXY = [[0 0 -1 1] * fixLen + xc;
[-1 1 0 0] * fixLen + yc] ; % fixation xy
Screen('TextFont', windowPtr, p.textFont);
Screen('TextSize', windowPtr, textSize);
txtSz = Screen('TextBounds', windowPtr, 'A');
x1 = xc - txtSz(3) / 2; y1 = yc - txtSz(4) / 2; % letter xy
txtSz(3) = txtSz(3) * 1.5; % expand a bit to allow more room
cueRect = CenterRect(txtSz, p.ScreenRect);
Screen('TextSize', windowPtr, 48);
txtSz = Screen('TextBounds', windowPtr, 'ABCDEF');
feedbackRect = CenterRect(txtSz, p.ScreenRect);
feedbackRect(3) = feedbackRect(1) + txtSz(3) / 6;
x2 = feedbackRect(1); y2 = feedbackRect(2);
nLetters = length(p.letters);
p.seq = repmat(p.letters', 1, nTrials);
p.seq = char(Shuffle(p.seq)); % shuffle letter stream for
% each trial to randomize
% Initialize a table to set up experimental conditions
p.recLabel = {'trialIndex' 'iCue' 'respTime' 'ans1' ...
'ans2' 'ans3' 'ans4'};
rec = nan(nTrials, length(p.recLabel));
% matrix rec is nTrials x 7 of NaN
rec(:, 1) = 1 : nTrials;
% assign trial numbers from 1 to nTrials
rec(:, 2) = randi(p.iCueRange, nTrials, 1);
% cue index for each trial
% Prioritize display to optimize display timing
% Start experiment with instructions
str = ['Input 4 letters starting from the cued letter.\n\n' ...
'Press Backspace or Delete to remove the last' ...
'input.\n\n' 'Press Enter or Return to finish your' ...
'input.\n\n\n' 'Press SPACE to start.'];
Screen('TextSize', windowPtr, 36);
Screen('TextFont', windowPtr, 'Times');
DrawFormattedText(windowPtr, str, 'center', 'center', 1);
% Draw Instruction text string centered in window
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
% flip the text image into active buffer
WaitTill('space'); % wait till space bar is pressed
Screen('Flip', windowPtr); % turn off instruction
p.start = datestr(now); % record start time
% Run nTrials trials
for i = 1 : nTrials
Screen('DrawLines', windowPtr, fixXY, 3, 1);
t0 = Screen('Flip', windowPtr); % show fixation
t0 = Screen('Flip', windowPtr, t0 + p.fixDuration);
% turn off fixation
Screen('TextSize', windowPtr, textSize);
Screen('TextFont', windowPtr, p.textFont);
for j = 1 : nLetters
if j == rec(i, 2)
Screen('FrameRect', windowPtr, 1, cueRect, 3);
Screen('DrawText', windowPtr, p.seq(j, i), x1, y1, ...
t0 = Screen('Flip', windowPtr, t0 + blankDur);
% letter on
t0 = Screen('Flip', windowPtr, t0 + stimDur);
% letter off
Screen('TextSize', windowPtr, 48);
Screen('TextFont', windowPtr, 'Times');
DrawFormattedText(windowPtr, 'Please input the 4 letters', 'center', 'center', 1);
t0 = Screen('Flip', windowPtr); % show prompt string
Screen('TextFont', windowPtr, p.textFont);
ans4 = '';
while 1 % collect 4 responses from keyboard and
% allow changes until return
[key Secs] = WaitTill(keys);
if iscellstr(key), key = key{1}; end
if any(strcmp(key, {'enter' 'return'})) % done
if length(ans4) >= 4, break; end
elseif any(strcmp(key, { 'delete' 'backspace'}))
if ~isempty(ans4), ans4(end) = []; end
ans4 = [ans4 upper(key)];
% append input as upper case to feedback string
Screen('DrawText', windowPtr, ans4, x2, y2 - 80, 1);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr); % show input
rec(i, 3) = Secs - t0; % record response time
rec(i, 4 : 7) = ans4(1 : 4); % record the first 4 input
Screen('DrawText', windowPtr, ans4, x2, y2 - 80, 1);
Screen('DrawText', windowPtr, p.seq((0 : 5) + ...
rec(i, 2), i)', x2, y2, 1);
Screen('FrameRect', windowPtr, 1, feedbackRect, 1);
Screen('TextFont', windowPtr, 'Times');
DrawFormattedText(windowPtr, 'Press SPACE to proceed', ...
'center', y2 + 120, 1);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr); % show instruction
if strcmp(WaitTill({'space' 'esc'}), 'esc'), break; end
p.finish = datestr(now); % record start time
save RSVP_rst rec p; % save the results
%% System Reinstatement Module
Priority(0); % restore priority
sca; % close window and textures, restore color lookup table