Eyelink installation in Mac OSX 10.3.9

Dear all,

I am unsuccessfully trying to install the Eyelink-Toolbox on a G4 (800
MHz PowerPC G4). Here are some details:

- I use the latest version of Mac OSX Panther (version 10.3.9)
- I use the Matlab version (R14) Service Pack 2.
- The eyelink libraries (as provided by SR-Research) are in the
Library/Frameworks/ folder.
- The latest beta version of the PsychToolbox is installed.

Still I get the following error message:
??? Invalid MEX-file
dlcompat: dyld: /Applications/MATLAB704/bin/mac/MATLAB Undefined symbols:

Does anyone have a clue what remains to be done to get this running???
I really need help at this point.

Best regards

I haven't seen this before, so I am not sure what the isssue is due to, but it could be
related to a difference in the Matlab version you are using and the matlab provided
headers and code we used for compiling the EyelinkToolbox.

We used code that came with matlab 7.1 (R14 sp 3). Can you upgrade and try again?

We haven't tested for such backward compatibility ourselves, so please let us know if this
solves the issue.

It would also be very helpful if you could tell what you are doing when you get this error.
Can't you run anything? Any demo?
What if you simply type "Eyelink" at the matlab prompt (you should get an overview of the
available functions).


--- In psychtoolbox@yahoogroups.com, "martinrolfs" <rolfs@...> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am unsuccessfully trying to install the Eyelink-Toolbox on a G4 (800
> MHz PowerPC G4). Here are some details:
> - I use the latest version of Mac OSX Panther (version 10.3.9)
> - I use the Matlab version (R14) Service Pack 2.
> - The eyelink libraries (as provided by SR-Research) are in the
> Library/Frameworks/ folder.
> - The latest beta version of the PsychToolbox is installed.
> Still I get the following error message:
> ??? Invalid MEX-file
> '/Applications/Psychtoolbox/PsychHardware/EyelinkToolbox/EyelinkBasic/
> dlcompat: dyld: /Applications/MATLAB704/bin/mac/MATLAB Undefined symbols:
> _mexprintf
> .
> Does anyone have a clue what remains to be done to get this running???
> I really need help at this point.
> Best regards
> Martin