
When I run getsecstick I get a value of 1e-9. This suggests to me that the
getsecs clock is accurate to 1 nanosecond. But when I run getsecs, I get
values out to 4 decimal places, suggesting that the clock is accurate to 100
microseconds. What is the correct resolution of the clock? Is there any way to
see the getsecs results out to 9 decimal places? thanks,

>When I run getsecstick I get a value of 1e-9. This suggests to me that the
>getsecs clock is accurate to 1 nanosecond. But when I run getsecs, I get
>values out to 4 decimal places, suggesting that the clock is accurate to 100
>microseconds. What is the correct resolution of the clock? Is
>there any way to
>see the getsecs results out to 9 decimal places? thanks,

if you want MATLAB to print a number to more than four places, use a
formatted print command, e.g.

fprintf('%.9f s\n',getsecs);

