Windows version, GetSecs precision

>Is the 'getsecs.dll' function for windows stable enough for reaction
>time experiments where resolutions of about 1msec or even finer are
>required? Responses are made via a button box (CRS).

The precision of GetSecs for Windows has not been checked against
external reality. You would probably want to run some tests
before counting on it. (You might be able to do something like
use GetSecs to time the frame rate of your monitor to get a
rough idea. Or if you can generate a hardware pulse from
within MATLAB, you could use GetSecs to toggle it at some
desired rate and check the output with an oscilliscope.)

Some general discussion of RT is available on our web page
but this is mainly directed at the Mac version.

Let us know the results if you run any checks with the Windows GetSecs.

