how to make pop-out stimulus using gabor patches?

Dear All,

I want to make an array of gabor patches with the ability to adjust
the angle of each of the gabor patch independently. I am thinking of
making each gabor patch separately, rotate them and group the matrices
to get the image matrix which then I can display using a suitable
command. Is this an efficient way? What is the best and fast way to do


forget about what i wrote to you. Was kinda of sleepy x-D.

Just do what you have written in your first post, but keep in mind that you can create some
rotationangles by simply using the functions flipdim (for mirroring) and rot90.

regards Florian

What I suspect will be the fastest (provided your using a size gabor) is to create a single
gabor, make a texture out of it, and
provide a rotation angle to the screen(drawtexture) command.

--- In, "Pareen" <manivannan33@...> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I want to make an array of gabor patches with the ability to adjust
> the angle of each of the gabor patch independently. I am thinking of
> making each gabor patch separately, rotate them and group the matrices
> to get the image matrix which then I can display using a suitable
> command. Is this an efficient way? What is the best and fast way to do
> this?
> Thanks
> Mani