HOWTO: 10 bpc laptop running Linux

It does seem random. After a reboot, the issue (only top-left quarter of screen is used for stimuli drawing and the rest is green) disappeared. I am running the test script via `octave --eval` so the environment is clean every time. `Screen('Rect', w, 1)` reported [0 0 3840 2160]. Displayed graylevel seems fine. By the two files, I meant the updated PsychImaging.m file and kPsychNeedTripleWidthWindow.m file in your master branch. 

I think, at this point, we need measurements to be sure that it is actually working and how good it is. I got the hardware and some template program for doing so, but am quite busy. Should be able to measure the performance within 2-4 weeks. 
It is also not too hard to install in OSX using Homebrew. Better, I just found that the .dmg installer for OSX is ready; I installed Octave 4.0.3 on a mac book air running macOS10.12.1 using the OSX installer .dmg file found here [1]. It is essentially one click install, and works. Haven't tested how it works out with PTB-3 though.

XX---In, <hormet.yiltiz@...> wrote :

It is also not too hard to install in OSX using Homebrew. Better, I just found that the .dmg installer for OSX is ready; I installed Octave 4.0.3 on a mac book air running macOS10.12.1 using the OSX installer .dmg file found here [1]. It is essentially one click install, and works. Haven't tested how it works out with PTB-3 though.


-> Replying to the wrong thread? But the answer is the dmg won't work. PTB 3.0.14 cancelled support for Octave 4.0 and earlier. Now Octave 4.2 is required, so one needs the Homebrew install, also with some special command line switch (+ compile from source instead of bottle installation) to get support for audioread()/audiowrite() functions if one needs sound.


Oh sorry I replied in the wrong thread. And yes, calling DotDemo.m simply crashed octave installed through .dmg, but not the one compiled from source via Homebrew.