Howto optimally submit Feature requests and bug reports for OS-X PTB

Hi everybody,

i want to draw your attention to a new way of submitting
bug reports and feature requests for the OS-X Psychtoolbox:


allows you - after free registration - to submit feature requests
and bug reports into some nice forms. Although we keep
track of the forum for bug reports and feature requests, it
doesn't hurt to use the new system to submit bugs/features
as well. Your (and our) advantage: Bug reports and feature
requests don't get lost or overlooked this way and its easy
for you and us to keep track of the state of all features/bugs.

The same website provides a low-traffic news ticker, so
important news don't get lost either.

Mario et al.

I have been trying to register at for two days. Alas it works fine on the front end,
but no matter what email I give it, I never actually receive an email to confirm my
registration. I am not sure what is happening, but I even tried an email with no spam
filters, but I still don't get the confirming email. Ideas?


--- In, "Mario Kleiner" <mario.kleiner@t...> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> i want to draw your attention to a new way of submitting
> bug reports and feature requests for the OS-X Psychtoolbox:
> <>
> allows you - after free registration - to submit feature requests
> and bug reports into some nice forms. Although we keep
> track of the forum for bug reports and feature requests, it
> doesn't hurt to use the new system to submit bugs/features
> as well. Your (and our) advantage: Bug reports and feature
> requests don't get lost or overlooked this way and its easy
> for you and us to keep track of the state of all features/bugs.
> The same website provides a low-traffic news ticker, so
> important news don't get lost either.
> -mario