Matching PsychtoolboxVersion to Git release/commit ID?

Our scanner operators are upgrading presentation computers to Windows 10. We have several scanners and computers. The version of Psychtoolbox that we tested with reports its version as

'3.0.18 - Flavor: beta - Corresponds to SVN Revision 13009

We installed it using the DownloadPsychtoolbox.m script.

On the Releases page at GitHub, there are quite a few releases under 3.0.18. We are only partway through installing Psychtoolbox onto the scanner computers, but the version changed over weekend.

The Contents.m lists only to the third version, i.e.,

% Psychtoolbox.
% Version 3.0.18      13 October 2021

The code in DownloadPsychtoolbox says it tries to download the most recent version, so should I assume that was since we installed after 11 Sep 2022 and before 17 Feb 2023?

To get the same version I got last Tue, 14 Feb 2023, should I run this?

DownloadPsychtoolbox('C:\toolbox', 'beta', 3.0.18')

Would that correspond exactly to the tarball for Release

I looked for but did not find a Git commit ID corresponding to the SVN Revision number. Is it included anywhere?

Sorry if I missed something obvious, and thank you for your consideration.

As this question does not come with a paid support authentication token attached, I’ll make it brief and only answer from memory without double-checking my statements, viewer discretion advised.

I would upgrade the scanner presentation computers to Ubuntu Linux 22.04. Given the approach of your facilities seems to be extremely slow, let me just mention that Windows-10 is scheduled to reach end-of-life in less than 3 years, and Windows-11 is not yet officially supported or tested with PTB, also due to the generally disappointing lack of funding by our users. I can’t afford buying Win11 compatible hardware, or setup and testing time for such an endeavor.

I’d also not use Version 3.0.18 anymore, as it is end-of-life and completely unsupported since 3 days ago. Systems requirements have also changed 3.0.18 → 3.0.19.

Yes, probably.

If you fix the typos, yes.

Don’t know what tarball you got, but it probably corresponds to this git tree, I assume. It also includes all the C source-code, so is much bigger and more.
