Matlab 2007A & PTB3 Install Problems

Hi All-

I've seen this problem mentioned a few places on the Discussion
Boards, but I have not found a solution yet. This is a new install of
PTB for me using a site licensed version of MatLab. After the
installation I get the following error if I run a demo. Right now the
main problem is the lack of Screen command but it looks like there is
an OpenGL problem too. I've done some things to try and remedy this
already (see below) but here is the output and version information.


>> BasicSoundOutputDemo
??? Error using ==> AssertOpenGL at 54
This script or function is designated to run only an Psychtoolbox
based on OpenGL. See AssertOpenGL.

Error in ==> BasicSoundOutputDemo at 45

>> DriftDemo
??? Error using ==> Screen
Too many input arguments.

Error in ==> DriftDemo at 108


I saw a thread discussing the need to install the Microsoft Visual C++
libraries. I was able to install the X86 but not the X64 libraries.

I am running a new HP Windows XP laptop. Any help would be greatly


Version Information
MATLAB Version (R2007a)
MATLAB License Number: 221691
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600:
Service Pack 2)
Java VM Version: Java 1.5.0_07 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java
HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode
MATLAB Version 7.4
EyelinkToolbox Version 1.4.4

iViewXToolbox Version 0.1

MATLAB Compiler Version 4.6
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Version 1.0.10
Psychtoolbox Version 3.0.8
9 October