MATLAB/Classic window

Possibly Useful Information:

When I first tried to run matlab 5.2 in "Classic mode" in OSX (pre-Jaguar), it
crashed the system (really crashed -- reboot was required). I subsequently
discovered that the problem was apparently due to assigning too much memory to
matlab in OS9. Assigning less than approximately 500MB to matlab works fine for
OSX; assigning more than that crashes OSX. (I have 1G of memory in all).

I don't know if there'd be a similar problem with Jaguar.

The reason I assigned so much memory to matlab to begin with is that I have
programs with huge numbers of offscreen windows. Denis Pelli says -- at least
insofar as I understand his comments -- that this shouldn't matter because any
available system memory, not just memory assigned to matlab, is used for
offscreen windows. Nevertheless, I seem to be able to create more osw's if I
assign matlab more memory.

Geoff Loftus

Geoffrey R. Loftus, PhD Office: (206) 543-8874
Department of Psychology Home: (206) 547-6969
Guthrie Hall, Room 134 Mobile: (206) 605-1974
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