Hello I am currently on MACOS Catalina running MATLABR2020_a I am currently trying to install psychotoolbox into MATLAB but I keep on receiving the error messages below:
svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by Xcode.
Sorry, the download command “CHECKOUT” failed with error code 72:
svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by Xcode.
However I have installed subversion and do have svn under /usr/bin/. In the terminal I am able to run svn help and print a list of commands so I am a bit stuck. Hope someone can help me out thank you
Hello! I have been struggling with this same error for a few days and found a solution that works for me.
In addition to downloading/installing Subversion, I needed to download XCode from the AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/xcode/id497799835. You don’t need to actually use it, just download and open the application once to make sure it is installed. I read a few articles that implied that XCode/Subversion would already be installed on new Macbooks running Catalina, but that didn’t appear to be the case on my own.
For good measure, I also added the folder where Subversion was installed to my MATLAB path, as suggested by the Psychtoolbox download problems section: http://psychtoolbox.org/download.html#download-problems.
With those things in place, I ran DownloadPsychtoolbox and it worked fine. Found the correct location for my Subversion client with no checkout errors.
Hope this helps for you as well.
Apparently the iToy company was again hard at work to reward their users with a even more broken experience in exchange for lots of money - Must have taken them a few extra engineering hours to break a previously working XCode svn setup, but they really go the extra mile for their customers…
If svn works in a terminal window, does “which svn” report the same path for the working svn executable as the one that DownloadPsychtoolbox reports as being used? That would be most peculiar. As @mcwilson844 pointed out, our troubleshooting tips tell you how to specify the path to the proper executable, should there be multiple ones installed. Also the same section describes how to do a manual download and setup as zip file. More disk space used, and you lose the advantages of version control, but a quick workaround.
I ended up having to manually download psychtoolbox because I already had xcode installed along with subversion and I added the folder to the path for MATLAB The psychotoolbox ended up installing but MATLAB still does not recognize svn commands which is annoying but I’m not positive how much I will need them from here on out I am not too familiar with MATLAB and just trying to set up a github repo program.
Please provide the info i requested. Even if you managed to solve your problem, although i can’t quite follow what folder you did add to the Matlab path, it helps to fix this more properly in the future for the benefit of others who may run into the same problem.
Had the same issue. The following procedure solved the issue for me (as per macos - Mac command line tools 11.4 no longer has svn - Stack Overflow):
→ In Terminal: brew install svn (installing stand-alone version of SVN)
→ followed by sudo mkdir -p /Library/Java/Extensions and ln -s /usr/local/lib/libsvnjavahl-1.dylib /Library/Java/Extensions/libsvn as recommended (not sure whether these two were needed)
→ In MATLAB: addpath(genpath(’/usr/local/opt/subversion/’)) (which was the path indicated by the installation routine in Terminal; otherwise PTB still tried to use the old path)
Our current DownloadPsychtoolbox
downloader from our website should deal with this stuff automatically, using Matlab’s builtin svn client, or falling back to svn, and doing a brew install svn
automatically if needed, and permission is given by the user.
Thanks, that’s good to know and excellent service!
I should have clarified I came across the issue using UpdatePsychtoolbox (which implies my PTB version was somewhat outdated). So the fix may only be relevant for people as lazy as me about their updates
had to update itself before gaining that new capability for future use, chicken & egg problem…