Hi guys, hopefully someone may be able to help.
Basically, I am planning to run an experiment using MATLAB with the Psychtoolbox plugin. I won't go into too many details, and just outline what i need MATLAB and Psychtoolbox to do for me.
I have 16 different word lists stored in a single text file. Each word list has 15 words. So essentially it is arranged 15 rows x 16 columns as i understand it. I need MATLAB/Psychtoolbox to present the first row, word by word, and then ask participants to type in as many of the words as they can remember from that list within a certain time frame. And following this, do the same with row 2, then row 3 etc....
I do have some MATLAB code to show which maybe entirely wrong, or may be close. But i am hoping someone may be able to help out.
Here is the code - apoligies if this takes up a lot of space on the page:
NumWords = 15; %Number of words to present
NumRows = 16;
NumCols = 15;
wordDelimiter=' ';
Duration = 1.5 ; %Duration of presentation
ISI = 0.1; %Inter stimulus interval
X = 1366; %Screen resolution
Y = 768;
InputFile = 'Exp_1_studylist_A.txt'; %Open and read in word file
fileID = fopen(InputFile);
Words = textscan (fileID , '%s');
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 2 ); %Setup psychotoolbox
win = Screen('OpenWindow',0,[],[0,0,X,Y]); %Open window
%Set text etc
Screen('TextSize',win, 24 );
Screen('TextStyle', win, 0);
DrawFormattedText(win, 'Press any key to start.' , 'center', 'center' ); %Write word to screen
Screen(win,'Flip');% present to the screen
KbWait; %Wait for keyboard response
for j = 1 : NumWords ; % outerloop is carried out 'NumRows' times, and for each of these the inner loop is carried out 'NumCols' times
DrawFormattedText(win, Words{1}{j}, 'center', 'center' ); %Write word to screen
Screen(win,'Flip');% present to the screen
Screen('FillRect', win ); %clear Screen
DrawFormattedText(win, 'Thank you. Press any key to exit.' , 'center', 'center' ); %Write word to screen
Screen(win,'Flip');% present to the screen
KbWait; %Wait for keyboard response
sca;% Screen Close All
At the moment, this just runs through the text file without stopping, so just presents word after word until the end.
Any advice would be amazing