New activewire-like USB box for OS X

I just came across what looks like a cheap USB DI/O solution with drivers
for OS X already (as well as the other OS's).

The URL is here

It has an OSX framework written by Steve Zellers
<>, a genuine Apple engineer who wrote it
as a hobby, and it runs really sweetly.

The chip runs as low as $6 in quantity for 2 bytes of I/O. It can emulate
RS-232, or an I2C bus and some other stuff I am not using.

Complete with a USB cable as a byte of LEDS and switches as well as a
scratch pad for home wiring it is still under $50

Mac X drivers (inc source code and examples) are at

He hasn't wrapped it into an installer yet, so you install by
cd'ing to wherever you downloaded the distribution folder
sudo ditto . /

It is simple enough that even I have a project working with Das-blinken
lights going crazy :-)

It looks interesting if you are
a. Looking for a cheap and reliable button box under OS X.
b. You like to play with hardware or D I/O: Looks like it will do
2-byte read and/or write at 1kHz quite happily.
