New Question

Hello, I am new here, and I am hoping that someone will help me out. I
want to learn how to program experiments in Matlab using the psychophysics
toolbox, but I have had no real programming experience. Does anyone know
of an online tutorial or a handbook that teaches this sort of thing?
Thank you very much for your time,
Michelle Greene
>Hello, I am new here, and I am hoping that someone will help me out. I
>want to learn how to program experiments in Matlab using the psychophysics
>toolbox, but I have had no real programming experience. Does anyone know
>of an online tutorial or a handbook that teaches this sort of thing?
>Thank you very much for your time,
>Michelle Greene

dear michelle

welcome. others may have good suggestions, but one place to start
would be the PsychDemos folder, which includes several experiments:
PhaseDistortDemo, QuestDemo.

we would like to include more examples of real experiments.

please report back on what seems useful for learning, and what is needed.

i think you'll find that you can divide what you're learning into
three parts: MATLAB, how to create stimuli, and how to organize an
experiment. there's almost no overlap between those three topics,
but, of course, you'll be learning MATLAB throughout. most of our
demos focus on how to create stimuli. the two i mentioned above focus
on how to organize an experiment. many people say they like the
MATLAB manual; i and many others skipped the manual and learned by
trial and error, using HELP frequently.

