Im just getting started on trying to things going. I have run into issues after spending 2 full days on one thing.
Very simply, I am getting an error on Screen function (see below).
The goal of this section of code, is to create a floating white screen with a grey dot (different sizes )on the right and left side of the screen. As far as the screen spatial features, I don’t think I am having any issue. I used the information from the demo, and 2 Youtubes which do not detail the differences between the arguments and and how to make the drawDot function apply to the creation of circles. Pls help
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 1);
screens = Screen('Screens'); % calls all screens and stores in "screens' variable
screenNumber = min(screens);
whitecol = [255 255 255];
startXpix = 120;
startYpix = 50;
% Dimensions in pixels of our window in the X (left-right) and Y (up down)
% dimensions
dimX = 400;
dimY = 250;
[outWindow, rect]=Screen('OpenWindow',screenNumber,whitecol,...
[startXpix startYpix startXpix + dimX startYpix + dimY]);
Screen('Flip', outWindow)
greycol = 150;
penwidth = 5;
Screen('BlendFunction', outWindow, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
Screen('DrawDots', Outwindow, [centerx centery], 50, greycol, 2)
Screen('Flip', outWindow)