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Hi all,

I am a newbie to the psychtoolbox. I have met with the following

a) Does it support debugging in Matlab on PC? I have set breakpoints and
found breakpoints were erased by psychtoolbox and basically they have no

b) During Psychphysics experiments, I have switched back to Matlab
command line to check output results, but then how to switch back to
Psychtoolbox Screen? I was never able to switch back, every time I ended up
with kill the Matlab session.

c) In the Quest functions, do they have a valid range for “tTest”,
which is a variable in the QuestDemo? I have tried to manually set the tTest
to be -10, because my experiment needs half of the time 10^tTest = 0, (I am
using tTest as in log-scale, so for real value to drive the intensity of my
stimuli, I use 10^tTest. Half of the time I want to set my intensity to be
0, so I manually set tTest to be -10, or -100, etc. However, QuestUpdate
does not allow out-of-range values; it always generate the following error

??? Function 'strcmp' is not defined for values of class 'struct'.

Error in ==> strcmp at 24

[varargout{1:nargout}] = builtin('strcmp', varargin{:});

Error in ==> QuestUpdate at 34

Error in ==> FindPsychmetricThreshold at 133


I want to debug, but Matlab on PC with Psychtoolbox does not allow me to

Could you please help me out?

Thanks a lot for your help!