There seems to be a bug in DrawText in the latest release Version 1.0.5.
My experiment code which used to work now crashes with the following
error: Psycherror_OpenGL
general description: OpenGL call returned an error
specific description: GL_INVALID_ENUM
module name: Screen
subfunction call: DrawText
file name:
function name: SCREENDrawText
line number: 293
??? (null)
The crashing line of code is:
Screen(window,'DrawText',['Experiment is over -' ' you got '
num2str(percentcorrect) '% correct' ],10,30,white);
System: Dual G5 PowerMac(MATLAB 7.0) AND G4 Powerbook(MATLAB 7.0.4)
I tried reproducing the bug with a small code segment by just opening a
screen and trying DrawText - in that case nothing happens ( doesn't draw
anything but doesn't crash). It was impractical to include the original
experiment code since it's too long and call several outside functions.
Sandhitsu Das
University of Pennsylvania
My experiment code which used to work now crashes with the following
error: Psycherror_OpenGL
general description: OpenGL call returned an error
specific description: GL_INVALID_ENUM
module name: Screen
subfunction call: DrawText
file name:
function name: SCREENDrawText
line number: 293
??? (null)
The crashing line of code is:
Screen(window,'DrawText',['Experiment is over -' ' you got '
num2str(percentcorrect) '% correct' ],10,30,white);
System: Dual G5 PowerMac(MATLAB 7.0) AND G4 Powerbook(MATLAB 7.0.4)
I tried reproducing the bug with a small code segment by just opening a
screen and trying DrawText - in that case nothing happens ( doesn't draw
anything but doesn't crash). It was impractical to include the original
experiment code since it's too long and call several outside functions.
Sandhitsu Das
University of Pennsylvania