OS X: DrawText OpenGL error

There seems to be a bug in DrawText in the latest release Version 1.0.5.
My experiment code which used to work now crashes with the following

error: Psycherror_OpenGL
general description: OpenGL call returned an error
specific description: GL_INVALID_ENUM
module name: Screen
subfunction call: DrawText
file name:
function name: SCREENDrawText
line number: 293
??? (null)

The crashing line of code is:

Screen(window,'DrawText',['Experiment is over -' ' you got '
num2str(percentcorrect) '% correct' ],10,30,white);

System: Dual G5 PowerMac(MATLAB 7.0) AND G4 Powerbook(MATLAB 7.0.4)

I tried reproducing the bug with a small code segment by just opening a
screen and trying DrawText - in that case nothing happens ( doesn't draw
anything but doesn't crash). It was impractical to include the original
experiment code since it's too long and call several outside functions.

Sandhitsu Das
University of Pennsylvania