problem with two monitors on a PC

Maybe somebody can help me with this...

For our experiments, I need to use two monitors and draw a
rectangle that spans both of them. This works just fine on a Mac:
I use OpenWindow command and set the rectangle as [0 0 2*
hor_res vert_res], where hor_res and vert_res are dimensions
of a single monitor. No problem.

On a PC, however, I cannot find a way to do it! When I try this
simple thing, it just clips the window to one primary monitor (I
checked the 'Rect' sub-function).

The monitors seem to be set up fine (for example, when I drag
the mouse over the edge of one screen, it appears on another
screen). However, it seems that Matlab or Psychtoolbox doesn't
recognize the secondary screen! When I call the 'Screens' sub-
function, it returns zero. When I try to use screen number 1 in
'OpenWindow', it gives me an error mesage.

Could somebody please tell me if there is a way to use two
screens with Psychtoolbox on a PC?

Thanks a lot!

Grigori Yourganov
Centre of Vision Research
York University
Toronto, Canada