psytoolbox osX 1.0.5 screen fillRect not working


I just installed PsychToolboxOSX 1.0.5 on MacOSX 10.3.9 and MATLAB
7.0.1 R14 - when my screen is just blank (black) - nothing seems to

I am trying simple stuff like
>> [windowPtr,rect] = Screen(0,'OpenWindow');
>> Screen(windowPtr,'FillRect',[255,255,255]);

I know this is not a MATLAB error as I have multiple monitors - so I
can see the MATLAB command window on the other screen.

Any help is appreciated.



that's because you forgot the Screen('Flip', windowPtr); command
after the FillRect command.

PTB-OSX differs from the old PTB's in that drawing doesn't
happen to the visible screen, but to a hidden drawing surface,
called the "back-buffer". This is similar to an Offscreen window in
old PTB.

Only if you've finished drawing your stim, you call the Flip-
command and PTB will show your stimulus at the next vertical

There are more such small but important differences to the old
PTB's. Please look carefully at the supplied demos on how to do


--- In, "l_sharan" <l_sharan@m...> wrote:
> Hullo,
> I just installed PsychToolboxOSX 1.0.5 on MacOSX 10.3.9 and MATLAB
> 7.0.1 R14 - when my screen is just blank (black) - nothing seems to
> happen.
> I am trying simple stuff like
> >> [windowPtr,rect] = Screen(0,'OpenWindow');
> >> Screen(windowPtr,'FillRect',[255,255,255]);
> I know this is not a MATLAB error as I have multiple monitors - so I
> can see the MATLAB command window on the other screen.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Lavanya