PTB BETA UPDATED: Bugfixes and some improvements...

The OpenGL-PTB beta has been updated again:

Release highlights:

* Experimental GNU/Octave support on Linux:

This is pretty experimental and mostly unsupported for now, although it
is used in-house for (pretty demanding) real work already to verify its
proper working and usefulness. If you have a recent version of Linux +
GNU/Octave version 2.1.73, compiled with the GCC 4.0.1 compiler, then
you'll be able to run Psychtoolbox with Linux+Octave on Intel hardware
without need for Matlab --> 0$ license costs, no hazzle with license
servers, but probably a bit more inconvenient to use for beginners than
Matlab -- and not 100% compatible so not suitable for all kinds of studies.

* Support for power-of-two-textures in 'MakeTexture' and new

DriftDemoOSX3 to show application of this for yet another elegant way to
create drifting gratings (apart from the pretty elegant way shown by
DriftDemoOSX2 or the old-style and inelegant way of DriftDemoOSX :))

This new mode of Screen('MakeTexture', windowPtr, texImage, orientation,
enforcpot) works if you set the optional parameter 'enforcepot' to 1 and
provide an input matrix with a size that is a power of two, e.g.,
128x128, 256x256, 512x512, 256x512, ...

Such textures allow for infinite scrolling and repetition - useful for
drifting gratings as shown in DriftDemoOSX3. They also allow easy
interfacing with OpenGL code written in Matlab, see
MinimalisticOpenGLDemo for an example of applying a texture to a
rotating earth-globe.

* Fix for Priority.m for restarting update-process on OS-X

Provided by Michael Gross. Fixes cases were Priority failed to restart
the OS-X update process in some cases.

I did a few timing tests with Tiger 10.4.6 and Matlab 7.0.1 on a G5 1.6
Ghz single cpu. Seems that Apples engineers improved OS-X a lot since
last testing with 10.3.x. The timing with a running update process
wasn't worse than the timing with update process stopped - no 30 seconds
timing spikes anymore. So i'll probably remove the killupdateprocess
workaround in some future release whenever OS-X >= 10.4.6 is detected.

* Improved beamsync detection for Intel-Macs.

Should suppress pointless warnings on some new Intel-Macs...

* Improved detection of pixeldepth on Windows Screen('PixelSizes');

* Query support for physical display size Screen('DisplaySize');

Works by reading the info provided by the monitors EDID info, but is not
a very accurate means of finding the physical dimensions of a display -
use with caution.

* Improved video capture support on Linux.

* RGBA texture bug (wrong color assigments) for Intel-Hardware fixed.

This was found by internal testing, so seems that nobody ever used 4
layer RGBA image textures on Windows-PTB...

* MOGL improved: Dynamic memory allocation and glFeedbackBuffer,
glSelectBuffer support.

Two new OpenGL commands glFeedbackBuffer() and glSelectBuffer() added,
moglmorpher and MorphDemo improved to work on older gfx-hardware.

* MinimalisticOpenGLDemo now shows basic texture mapping onto a sphere.

* PsychtoolboxVersion now also reports flavor, SVN revision and
modification state + a reference to the Berlios WebSVN interface -- at
least if the svn tools are properly installed.

* Small fixes all over the place.

Enjoy & Good luck,

Mario Kleiner
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Spemannstr. 38
72076 Tuebingen

e-mail: mario.kleiner@...
office: +49 (0)7071/601-742
fax: +49 (0)7071/601-616
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan