Yes, Ubuntu 22.04, being a rather new release only 2 weeks old, isn’t yet supported by NeuroDebian afaik. I assume support will be added soon’ish (days to weeks - whenever Yaroslav finds the time), then with the latest PTB
In the meantime, the “universe” (or was it “multiverse”?) repo of Ubuntu 22.04 contains PTB, so if that is enabled in package sources, you can sudo apt install octave-psychtoolbox-3
to get that slightly older version from Ubuntu 22.04 itself.
Or you can use the DownloadPsychtoolbox
method to get the latest current PTB from us.
Make sure to login into a GUI session that is X11/Xorg based, not Wayland based, or you will end with the Wayland nightmare, cfe. Screen('OpenWindow') and PsychImaging('OpenWindow') produce black screen - #6 by mariokleiner