Re: eyelink getting data


The demo "eyelinkeventexample.m" in the directory
EyelinkDemos/ShortDemos/ provides an example of how to use events to
achieve certain things. In this case it doesn't stop as you want to do,
but changes the contrast of a number, but I guess you'll get the

The main commands (you'd probably want to put these in some more
elaborate loop):

while 1
if evtype==el.ENDSACC


PS: I am cc-ing to the PTB list in case others have to something to add
(or have additional examples).

Op 25-mei-04 om 16:51 heeft Mario Urbina het volgende geschreven:

> Hello,
> My name is Mario Urbina and I'm studying Media Systems at the Bauhaus
> University in Weimar, Germany.
> I'm working on a Projekt with the Eyetracker/Eyelink programming under
> Matlab
> with the EyelinkToolbox.
> My problem: I want for example the event EndSaccade to tell the
> Eyetracker to
> stoprecording. But i can't find a function (like "Newestsample") where
> I can
> ask, if a saccade has occurred.
> I hope you can help me.
> Thank you for taking a second for me and my little problem, I know the
> answer
> might be easy, but difficult to find.
> Greetings
> --
> Mario Urbina

Frans W.Cornelissen
Lab Experimental Ophthalmology & BCN Neuro-imaging Center
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
PO Box 30.001
9700 RB Groningen
Tel. LEO: +31 50 3614173 / 2510
Tel. NIC: +31 50 363 8796 / 5111

The demo "eyelinkeventexample.m" in the directory
EyelinkDemos/ShortDemos/ provides an example of how to use events to
achieve certain things. In this case it doesn't stop as you want to do,
but changes the contrast of a number, but I guess you'll get the

The main commands (you'd probably want to put these in some more
elaborate loop):

while 1
if evtype==el.ENDSACC


PS: I am cc-ing to the PTB list in case others have to something to add
(or have additional examples).

Op 25-mei-04 om 16:51 heeft Mario Urbina het volgende geschreven:

> Hello,
> My name is Mario Urbina and I'm studying Media Systems at the Bauhaus
> University in Weimar, Germany.
> I'm working on a Projekt with the Eyetracker/Eyelink programming under
> Matlab
> with the EyelinkToolbox.
> My problem: I want for example the event EndSaccade to tell the
> Eyetracker to
> stoprecording. But i can't find a function (like "Newestsample") where
> I can
> ask, if a saccade has occurred.
> I hope you can help me.
> Thank you for taking a second for me and my little problem, I know the
> answer
> might be easy, but difficult to find.
> Greetings
> --
> Mario Urbina

Frans W.Cornelissen
Lab Experimental Ophthalmology & BCN Neuro-imaging Center
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
PO Box 30.001
9700 RB Groningen
Tel. LEO: +31 50 3614173 / 2510
Tel. NIC: +31 50 363 8796 / 5111