Dear all,
I am facing a problem and I hope you'll be able to give me some useful advices. I am currently trying to design an experiment with psychtoolbox where I would like to continuously record the coordinates of my mouse. Basically, on each trial, subjects are presented with a photograph of a waiting room and have to choose where to sit by guiding their mouse toward the chosen seat.
I would like to compare the trajectories of the mouse in my different conditions by recording the coordinates of the mouse with a high sampling rate (for instance 1 point every 10ms) that would allow me to get the trajectory of the mouse on each trial.
I have been trying to use a software which records this type of data but my design is a bit complicated and I don't manage to make Matlab communicate with the software. Then I decided to record the mouse coordinates with the GetMouse function in a timer object as following :
But I don't know how to save all the xy coordinates with UserData, I only get one point (one x and one y coordinates) as if the task wasn't repeating itself. Then, I have two questions :
I am facing a problem and I hope you'll be able to give me some useful advices. I am currently trying to design an experiment with psychtoolbox where I would like to continuously record the coordinates of my mouse. Basically, on each trial, subjects are presented with a photograph of a waiting room and have to choose where to sit by guiding their mouse toward the chosen seat.
I would like to compare the trajectories of the mouse in my different conditions by recording the coordinates of the mouse with a high sampling rate (for instance 1 point every 10ms) that would allow me to get the trajectory of the mouse on each trial.
I have been trying to use a software which records this type of data but my design is a bit complicated and I don't manage to make Matlab communicate with the software. Then I decided to record the mouse coordinates with the GetMouse function in a timer object as following :
But I don't know how to save all the xy coordinates with UserData, I only get one point (one x and one y coordinates) as if the task wasn't repeating itself. Then, I have two questions :
- do you think that the use of a timer callback function is the best option ?
- do you think that the temporal resolution won't be disrupted by the "continuous" sampling of the coordinates ?
Looking forward to reading any comments/feedbacks !
Thank you in advance,