SCREEN 'DrawText' clipping bug

% DrawTextClipBug.m

% June 5, 2013, Denis Pelli

% This short program demonstrates a bug in Psychtoolbox SCREEN 'DrawText'.

% I have pasted screen shots, below, of the clipped display by SCREEN, and

% the unclipped normal display in Microsoft Word. I'm not sure whether the screen shots will

% be allowed by Yahoo, so my explanation, below, does not rely on the images.

% The problem is only manifest in fonts that extend well beyond their

% nominal size. The Linotype font "KuenstlerScript LT TwoBold" is a lacy

% script. The capital letters have long flourishes that are meant to

% overlap nearby letters. When I ask DrawText to render a capital letter

% from this font, the resulting letter is clipped on the top and on the

% right. Adding several spaces to the right of the single capital letter,

% e.g. 'K ' in the string provided to DrawString overcomes the

% right-side clipping, but I can't think of any way to overcome the topside

% clipping. Note that Kuenstler is a high quality font and renders without

% clipping in other programs, e.g. Microsoft Word. For testing purposes,

% I've placed a copy of the font on my website:

% I'm hoping that Mario can fix SCREEN DrawText to draw Kuenstler

% without clipping. Thanks. Denis

textFont='Georgia'; % The 'Georgia' font works fine, no clipping.

textFont='KuenstlerScript LT TwoBold'; % The Kuenstler font is clipped by DrawText.

window = Screen('OpenWindow', 0);

screenRect=Screen('Rect', window);

message=sprintf('%s. Click to exit.',textFont);





if ~strcmp(screenFont,textFont)

clear screen; ShowCursor;

error('Sorry, can''t find font ''%s''.',textFont)





Screen('Flip', window);


clear screen;

Inline image 1Inline image 1

Denis Pelli
Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University