I have installed psychtoolbox 3.0.9 (SVN revision 2596) in conjunction with Octave 3.2.4 gcc-4.4.0 on a Win7 Pro 64-bit system. My problem is this error message after trying to run Screen:
error: could not find library or dependents: E:\toolbox\PSYCHT~1\PsychBasic\Octave3WindowsFiles\Screen.mex
This error message persists after doing a lot of things:
1) As per the instructions from help GStreamer, I installed GStreamer from here: "GStreamer-WinBuilds-GPL-x86-Beta04-0.10.7.msi"
and renamed E:\Octave\3.2.4_gcc-4.4.0\bin\iconv.dll to iconv_DISABLED.dll (I installed Octave under E:/ instead of C:/, and psychtoolbox under E:/toolbox, I wonder if that was a mistake)
2) Installed microsoft visual c++ 2005 redistributable vcredit_x86.exe
3) Running SetupPsychtoolbox again.
It seems from forum posts that Octave+Windows is not a recommended combo to run Psychtoolbox...but its all I have for now. The reason for a legacy version of psychtoolbox is due to an error message when first trying to run the installer (with Octave on Windows, it has to run on Octave 3.2.4 and psychtoolbox 3.0.9). I am a Octave/Matlab novice so there might be something very fundamental that I overlooked, I wonder if anyone can shed some light on how to get Screen running.
Thank you very much for your help, below is the message after running setuppsychtoolbox.
This is the following that appeared after running SetupPsychtoolbox:
warning: savepath: current path saved to ~\.octaverc
Octave major version 3 detected. Will prepend the following folder to your Octave path:
E:\toolbox\PSYCHT~1\PsychBasic\Octave3WindowsFiles ...
warning: savepath: current path saved to ~\.octaverc
A very simple test call to the Screen() MEX file failed in AssertOpenGL, indicating
that either Screen is totally dysfunctional, or you are trying to run your script on
a system without Psychtoolbox-3 properly installed - or not installed at all.
The most likely cause, based on the fact you are running on Octave under Windows
and given this error message: could not find library or dependents: E:\toolbox\PSYCHT~1\PsychBasic\Octave3WindowsFiles\Screen.mex
is that the required GStreamer runtime libraries are not yet installed on your system.
Please type 'help GStreamer' and read the installation instructions carefully.
After this one-time setup, the Screen command should work properly.
If this has been ruled out as a reason for failure, the following could be the case:
This script or function is designated to run only an Psychtoolbox based on OpenGL. Read "help AssertOpenGL" for more info.
A first more diagnostic test would be to simply type Screen in your Matlab/Octave console and check what its output is.
The returned error message by Matlab/Octave was:
Last Error: could not find library or dependents: E:\toolbox\PSYCHT~1\PsychBasic\Octave3WindowsFiles\Screen.mex ()
<a href="matlab:opentoline('E:\toolbox\PSYCHT~1\PsychOneliners\AssertOpenGL.m',91)">E:\toolbox\PSYCHT~1\PsychOneliners\AssertOpenGL.m,91</a>
<a href="matlab:opentoline('E:\toolbox\PSYCHT~1\PsychtoolboxPostInstallRoutine.m',602)">E:\toolbox\PSYCHT~1\PsychtoolboxPostInstallRoutine.m,602</a>
<a href="matlab:opentoline('E:\toolbox\PSYCHT~1\SetupPsychtoolbox.m',223)">E:\toolbox\PSYCHT~1\SetupPsychtoolbox.m,223</a>
Screen() or online registration failed to work under MS-Windows with GNU/Octave-3:
Probably the required GStreamer multimedia framework is not yet installed on your system.
Please type 'help GStreamer' and follow the displayed installation instructions carefully.
After this one-time setup, the Screen command should work properly.
If this has been ruled out as a reason for failure, check the troubleshooting instructions on
our Wiki (Download section and FAQ section, maybe also the Bugs section).
But I have installed GStreamer!