Setupsychtoolbox-issue appearing in mac mini m4

i have downloaded matlab r2024b version and the newest version of psychtoolbox.
i put the psychtoolbox in the /application folder, when i type setuppsychtoolbox,
it applies with as the picture like

Running post-install routine...

Psychtoolbox does not yet work on native Matlab or Octave for Apple Silicon Macs with 64-Bit ARM architecture.
You may get a minimally functional Psychtoolbox by installing and running Matlab or Octave for 64-Bit Intel under Rosetta 2 emulation.

so do i need to change the version of matlab in INTEL version?

Thanks for your time, hope you enjoy the day!

Hi Kate, yes, for now until the Apple Silicon version of PTB is officially released later this year, you’ll need to download the Intel version of Matlab and run the existing PTB using that (it works, but of course the timing is not perfectly accurate).


Psychtoolbox is not usable yet for research grade stimulation and data collection on Apple Silicon Macs, neither is any other toolkit. I expect to release a usable native version 3.0.20 before Christmas. It will cost money for a yearly license, like all future versions for macOS and Windows. So now would be a good time to allocate some money to buy a license before christmas.

A sneak preview will probably be released within a few days. This one will only work for free until our online shop is online to allow you to buy licenses. At that point I then can only urge people to buy paid licenses quickly if people want Psychtoolbox to survive into the future.

I’m sure the PTB folk (@mariokleiner @dee @Keith) are already thinking about this, but I think it would be really important, essential even, to get clear powerful messaging out about the new funding route on as many channels as possible (visionlist, cvnet, etc). Possibly also asking those on those lists to circulate to their personal networks.

Only a small minority of people will be using this forum and if people are using an existing PTB install, they will not be prompted of the new funding route. You also cannot rely on people visiting the PTB website. There needs to be a big active push across multiple channels of communication if you want to see this take traction.

You will also be dropping all this at possibly the worst time of year, bar mid-summer. People we be rushing to finish things up before Christmas. Thus, I think repeating in the New Year will be essential. Multiple times. Weekly even with updates of current funding uptake.

I think the messaging should be very clear that the fate of PTB depends on this, but it should also not degenerate into a “our stupid ignorant users have not funded PTB, so now we have to go this funded route”. I understand the frustration, as has been evidenced on this forum multiple times very clearly, but that will simply not get you anywhere at all with persuading people to part with money (probably just the opposite). You will be shooting yourself in the foot by going that route.

PTB is still superior to anything I know which is out there, but the landscape has changed. Python and PsychoPy exist. Many folk have moved in this direction over the last years. Having started to transfer my PTB demos to PsychoPy, you do not need to convince me of the superiority of PTB. However, just because something is better, doesn’t mean people will use it. Python is trendy, so as a result PsychoPy is too.

I think it would also be good to state what users can expect in terms of the $. Again, shouting at them that “it will be purely PTB exiting into the future!!!” and how dumb they are for not funding previously, is not an option. Something better would be a set of goals going forward for PTB and some estimate of the $ needed for these. Kind of like what happens on Kickstarter.

I think the $ is more than reasonable for the awesome PTB. But you need to do all this stuff to make sure you get people onboard. Telling them they are stupid is not that route.

The funding mechanism has to work for university finance systems. The rollout of the donation system simply did not work for this. It does now, but people only need tiny barriers to be put in front of the to not do something for the good, and then not to retry in the future.

I would be more than happy to help with the above.


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I nominate Peter to do this. Should we plan something for VSS?


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Happy to help anyway I can. I will ping you guys via email, rather than protected exchange here. I would probably need some kind of access to create a webpage etc.

VSS and ECVP would be excellent ideas as would other conferences. I know PTB is also used in industry and much more widely than the folk going to VSS & ECVP.

Anyhow, I will move to email.