Unable to install psychtoolbox on windows

Hi, I am trying to install Psychtoolbox on Windows 10. I have previously been successful with installing it on this machine. I have tried different recent versions of Matlab but get the same error message. The error is:
ERROR: Most likely cause: The Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 runtime libraries
ERROR: are missing on your system.

ERROR: Execute the installer file vcredist_x64_2015-2019.exe, which is located in your Psychtoolbox/PsychContributed/ folder.
ERROR: You must execute that installer as an administrator user. Exit Matlab before the installation, then restart it.
ERROR: After fixing the problem, restart this installation/update routine.

ERROR: You can also just do a: cd(PsychtoolboxRoot); SetupPsychtoolbox;

ERROR: This will avoid a full download of Psychtoolbox over the internet and just finish the setup.

However, i have run the vcredist exe in the psychtoolbox folder (elevated) multiple times with the same result. I have tried uninstall/reinstall with the same result.

I get this error when running SetupPsychtoolbox from the PsychContributed folder.



Larry Stern
UT Austin