Unable to set up in octave (version 9.1)

I´m tring to install Psychtoolbox using Octave version 9.1. I followed all the steps outlined on the Psychtoolbox website for downloading: http://psychtoolbox.org/
The problem:
When i type SetupPsychtool, it starts running but then appears the following error:

WARNING: Your version 9.1.0 of Octave is incompatible with this release. We strongly recommend
WARNING: only using Octave 7.3 with this version of Psychtoolbox.
WARNING: Stuff may not work at all or only suboptimal with other versions and we
WARNING: don’t provide any support for such old versions.

Press any key to continue with setup.


ERROR: WaitSecs-MEX does not work, most likely other MEX files will not work either
ERROR: One reason might be that your version 9.1.0 of Octave is incompatible.
ERROR: Another conceivable reason would be missing or incompatible required system
libraries on your system.

ERROR: After fixing the problem, restart this installation/update routine.

Installation aborted.
Fix the reported problem and retry."

What can i do?

I assume you’re using Linux system. If so, we have been using Octave 9.1 (due to an unexpected update), and everything works fine on our end. We even had a computer recently setup PTB from scratch with 9.1 Octave, and we haven’t seen any observable issue.

So, maybe double check your setup process?

Thank you for the answer. I’m using Windows instead of linux, and i’ve tried to set it up multiple times, but nothing changes. I even tried deleting the program, reinstalling it and repeting the same steps.
Could it be because im using Windows?

On windows, octave 7.3 is the supported version, not 9.1

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