XOrgConfSelector help

I have trouble finding the file created by XOrgConfCreator. In a previous post 3 days ago I had not succeeded but I subsequently used Settings to create two X-screens, Display 1 and Display 2, which now seem to work well outside Psychtoolbox and get different outputs. However, Psychtoolbox is still failing, see description below.

Environment: Linux Ubuntu 18 bionic, Psychtoolbox-3

I have run XOrgConfCreator without errors. It reported creating the following file

Searching for it in Files does not find anything. I also cannot locate a folder called .Psychtoolbox

Running XOrgConfSelector gives the following output.

You can choose from the following X11 configuration files:

1) 90-ptbconfig_2_xscreens_2_outputs_nvidia.conf

Which one should i use? (Choose 0 for remove the current active file):

No idea what I have to do at this point. If I enter 1, nothing happens. If I enter 0, then

There isn’t any old configuration file to remove in the X11 config folder under:

Finally, running a Psychtoolbox task ignores the 2 X-Screen layout and presents the image in the division between the two monitors.

I would be grateful for any suggestions, such as how to find the folder .Psychtoolbox or the created file 90-ptbconfig_2_screnns_2_outputs_nvidia.conf and/or perhaps where to save it from within XOrgConfCreator or copy paste it manually, if any of that would work.

help PsychPaidSupportAndServices for paid support, with the caveat that you are running an unsupported system configuration.

Folder with a . in their name (like .Psychtoolbox) are hidden folders, not shown by default in a file explorer or terminal, but the file is almost certainly where it is supposed to be. Intermixing PTB XOrtConf* stuff with NVidia’s config utility will probably cause carnage. So this is the time to pay for my help if you think you need it, or wait for others to chime in (or not).