DAQ Issue

Hi Mario and Ben,

We having a problem in the Luck lab with the DAQ and it's preventing us from using PTB while doing EEG research.   We're running El Capitan and 3.0.13.  The DAQ used to work on PTB 3.0.12.  

I did some invetsigating.  The main problem is the DaqDeviceIndex() function is broken.  It returns nothing.  Upon further inspection of the program, I can see that PsychHID() shows our Daq device (FS-USB1208-FS).  But the DaqDeviceIndex() function doesn't return the indexes like it's supposed to.

Mario:  If you could advise me about what might be going wrong, I'll fix the bug and send you an updated version of the code.

Thanks in advance.


What's the full detailed output of PsychHID('Devices') and of PsychHIDDAQS ?