Eyelink.mexw64 missing from current build

Hi all,

     The compiled Eyelink.mexw64 file that one would need to run EyeLink functions from 64-bit Matlab under Windows seems to be missing from the repo.


     Or is there not a 64-bit version of the EyeLink functions?  Thanks for any help.
I don't think it makes sense to even try, and i certainly won't - i'm not bored enough. This is some compatibility problem between GStreamer and 64-Bit Matlab or GStreamer and 64-Bit Matlab's Java implementation. We don't have any control over Matlab or Java, the best one could hope for would be to find some way to fix this on the GStreamer side. The GStreamer 0.10 series is end-of-life as you know, so upstream would not even accept bug fixes or compatibility fixes if we would find any, and it's not likely we'd find any, given that i can't even reproduce your problems on the one single Windows-7 machine i very infrequently use for testing. Once PTB gets upgraded to use the recent GStreamer 1.x series i just hope the problem goes away. MS-Windows is not an important operating system for me at all and i will focus much more on Linux improvements than fixing random corner cases on a system i dont' recommend using in the first place.
As far as i remember the crashes could be prevented by simply running 64-Bit matlab with jvm disabled, or maybe using a different matlab version, as not all versions seem to be crash prone. For most people it seems to work.
I have the beta SDK, thanks.