Free recordings of dark-pupil close up eyetracker footage?

Does anybody know if there’s a free repo of recorded eyetracker video footage somewhere, e.g., dark pupil IR from a head-fixed eye tracker, ie. a closeup of the eye?

I couldn’t find anything like that.


I don’t, @dcnieho is the expert here and may know. Several of us should be able to collect some sample data for you if it would help…

I need some more detail: would you like videos or are just stills enough? There are big databases with stills out there.
Do you just need a video with as nice quality close up as i can find? I can make one. What do you need it for, and what should it contain?

Sorry, that was vaguely phrased: “what should it contain” -> any specific eye movements/eye lid movements, etc, that you want to have in the video?