Fwd: [PSYCHTOOLBOX] Communicating with NetStation

Dear Justin and others,

I am sorry for the very tardy reply to this - just the usual end-of-semester craziness.

I have tested the new version of NetStation.m with your lines from below and all appears to work fine: all the events got sent at the specified time and for the set duration, with and without key/value arguments. I have recorded the output but just realise that the mff-file is of not much use to you if you don’t have access to NetStation. Let me know if you want to have it anyway or if you want me to convert it into another format that you can read.
Also, let me know if I can do anything else.

In any case, thank you very much for that fix.


Am 30 Sep 2016 um 16:27 schrieb Justin Ales <jma23@...>:

That would be good. I think there was a bug where if you didn't specify a key value pair in the argument list when sending an event it wouldn't work. 

I've cleaned up and added some more argument parsing logic.  I've tested the parsing logic and it it seems to work.  

Can you test the attached version to make sure events can be sent by calling the function with different arguments: 

NetStation('event','FIRS',thisTime); %This one should come 0.25 seconds BEFORE "LAST" in the event list
NetStation('event','TEST',GetSecs(), .1) %with duration of 100 millisecond 
NetStation('event','TEST',GetSecs(), .2,'tria',1) %200 millisecond long event with key "tria" and value 1

On Tuesday, September 27, 2016, Urte Roeber U.Roeber@... [PSYCHTOOLBOX] <PSYCHTOOLBOX@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Dear Justin (and Mario),

I am happy to test the script if you tell me of what the critical things are that need to be tested and reported back to you (and it might take a few weeks until I get around to actually do so).

Thank you and kind regards,

Am 20 Sep 2016 um 01:52 schrieb Justin Ales jma23@... [PSYCHTOOLBOX] <PSYCHTOOLBOX@yahoogroups.com> :


I think it is a general bugfix.  But I was hoping to get some feedback as to whether it worked, before initiating a pull request.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 5:12 PM, mario.kleiner@... [PSYCHTOOLBOX] <PSYCHTOOLBOX@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Is this file meant as a general bugfix for the current NetStation.m?


------------------------------ --
Urte Roeber, PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dipl.-Psych.
Senior Lecturer
School of Psychology and Exercise Science
Murdoch University
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Murdoch WA 6150, Australia

Phone: +61 8 9360 2988
Location: Social Sciences (440) 2.026

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Urte Roeber, PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dipl.-Psych.
Senior Lecturer
School of Psychology and Exercise Science
Murdoch University
90 South Street
Murdoch WA 6150, Australia

E-mail: u.roeber@...
Phone: +61 8 9360 2988
Location: Social Sciences (440) 2.026

The content of this e-mail is intended for the addressee only and may not be forwarded to a third party without my written permission.

Urte Roeber, PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dipl.-Psych.

E-Mail: urte.roeber@...