Install error using SetUpPsychToolBox with Mex files

Hello! I’m trying to run PsychTool Box on macOS Sonoma 14, M1 chip, on Matlab 2023b. I was trying to run video stimuli and getting an error saying that my PsychToolBox had not been installed properly. I deleted, downloaded Gstreamer to help with the video issues, and redownloaded the PsychToolBox zip file. I’m now trying to run the set up script but I keep getting this error:

Error using SetupPsychtoolbox

Removing the quarantine flag from our mex files to workaround macOS brokeness failed! Error was: zsh:1: no matches found: /Users/[me]/Desktop/Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/*.mexmaca64

Has anyone encountered this before?

It’s not supported yet on native Matlab for Apple Silicon. News about Apple Silicon in a few days: