Hello !
I am trying to run psychotoolbox on Mac OS 10.13.6 and Matlab_R2017_b.
When I run SetupPsychtoolbox I get this error :
The returned error message by Matlab/Octave was:
Last Error: Invalid MEX-file '/Applications/Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/Screen.mexmaci64': dlopen(/Applications/Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/Screen.mexmaci64, 6): Library not loaded: /Users/matt/Projects/cerbero-1.14/build/dist/darwin_x86_64/lib/libffi.7.dylib
Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/1.0/lib/libgstreamer-1.0.0.dylib
Reason: image not found. (MATLAB:mex:ErrInvalidMEXFile)
When I type 'Screen' in the command window I get the same error message.
I tried to disable the System Integrity Protection. I also uninstalled reinstalled Psychotoolbox after . I ran PsychtoolboxVersion after reinstallation and got :
'3.0.14 - Flavor: beta - Corresponds to SVN Revision 8616
For more info visit:
Did anyone get the same problem and would know how to solve it ?